212 research outputs found

    Del relativismo al cinismo

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    Bonuses and Bribes: Mood Effects in Memory

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    Free recall of emotionally positive, neutral, and negative adjectives was used as an indirect assessment of the effects of reward on expectations about intrinsic interest. Reward for performing later activities described as interesting (a bonus orientation) produced recall of a greater number of emotionally positive adjectives, whereas reward for the same activities described as boring (a bribe orientation) produced recall of a larger number of negative adjectives. A cued-expectancy analysis suggests that reward serves to polarize initial attitude about forthcoming tasks; these polarized attitudes, like moods, influence the nature of words retrieved from memory

    Cento anni di paesaggio italiano

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    We reintroduce the essay wrote by the prof. Augusto A. Boggiano for the International Congress “Il Paesaggio italiano degli ultimi cento anni”, promoted by Regione Toscana and Touring Club Italiano and happened at the Medici Cafaggiolo Villa during the 13/14 February 2004. The author proposes an exploration on subjects and problems related to the landscape transformations processes, with particular attention on the contents and the cultural values of the Italians regulations and on the currents tools on territorially planning and government in Tuscany.

    Ecosystem and productive benefits of the strategic inclusion of annual legumes into an annual ryegrass pasture in a no-tillage integrated crop-livestock system

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    Annual winter pastures are strategic components in crop-livestock systems in Uruguay. The aim of this study was to evaluate the N legume fixation into an annual ryegrass pasture contrasted to the N fertilizer addition. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with 2x2 factorial arrangement of the treatments, two pasture types: a) annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) pasture, and b) of annual ryegrass with two annual legume species (Trifolium resupinatum L. and Trifolium vesiculosum L.); and two levels of N fertilizer: a) no N fertilizer, and b) 64 kg N ha-1. They were grazed with Holstein steers. Setaria italica crop was planted in summer to evaluate the carry over effects of the treatments on its herbage mass production. Pasture accumulated herbage mass was significantly increased with N fertilizer (P ≤ 0.01), increment of 1277 ± 322.5 kg DM ha-1. The legume species’ addition plus N fertilization led to a higher nitrogen nutrition index in the mixed pastures. Ryegrass herbage mass was positively influenced by N addition, but with that there was a 47% of weed herbage mass increase in the pure annual ryegrass pastures. The average daily gain of steers was positively influenced by legumes, with an average of 1.01 kg PV day-1 in mixtures. N fertilizer addition allowed a higher stocking rate and higher animal production in winter. A carryover effect of the treatments was not found on S. italica accumulated herbage mass. Legumes’ addition to annual ryegrass allowed a greater animal performance but did not provide any additional benefit to the following summer crop.Las pasturas anuales de invierno son componentes estratégicos de los sistemas agropecuarios en Uruguay. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la fijación biológica de N de leguminosas en una mezcla con raigrás anual en contraste con la adición de fertilizante nitrogenado. El diseño experimental fue un diseño de bloques completos al azar con arreglo factorial 2 x 2 de los tratamientos, con dos tipos de pasturas: a) pastura de raigrás anual (Lolium multiflorum L.), y b) pastura mezcla de raigrás anual con dos especies de leguminosas anuales (Trifolium resupinatum L. y Trifolium vesiculosum L.); y dos niveles de fertilización con N: a) sin fertilizante, y b) 64 kg N ha-1. Las pasturas fueron pastoreadas con novillos Holstein. En verano se realizó un cultivo de Setaria italica para evaluar los efectos de los tratamientos en la producción de biomasa de este. La biomasa acumulada de las pasturas de invierno incrementó significativamente con fertilización de N (P ≤ 0.01), con un incremento de 1277 ± 322.5 kg MS ha-1. La pastura mezcla fertilizada con N produjo un mayor índice de nutrición nitrogenada que la pastura de raigrás anual. La biomasa aérea de raigrás presentó un incremento con el agregado de N; sin embargo, en las pasturas monofíticas de raigrás hubo un aumento del 47% de malezas. La ganancia media diaria de los novillos incrementó con la incorporación de leguminosas, con un promedio en las pasturas mezclas de 1,01 kg PV día-1. La adición de fertilizante nitrogenado permitió una mayor carga animal y una mayor producción animal en invierno. No se encontró un efecto de los tratamientos en la biomasa acumulada de S. italica. La incorporación de leguminosas al raigrás anual permitió una mayor ganancia diaria de peso vivo por animal, pero no produjo un efecto adicional sobre el cultivo sucesor de verano.Gerencia de Comunicación Institucional, DG SICyP, INTAFil: García Favre, Javier. Universidad de la República. Estación Experimental Mario A. Cassinoni (EEMAC). Departamento Producción Animal y Pasturas; UruguayFil: García Favre, Javier. Massey University. School of Agriculture and Environment; Nueva ZelandaFil: Zanoniani, Ramiro A. Universidad de la República. Estación Experimental Mario A. Cassinoni (EEMAC). Departamento Producción Animal y Pasturas; UruguayFil: Lopez, Ignacio F. Massey University. School of Agriculture and Environment; Nueva ZelandaFil: Cadenazzi, Mónica. Universidad de la República. Estación Experimental Mario A. Cassinoni (EEMAC). Departamento Biometría, Estadística y Computación; UruguayFil: Sacido, Mónica Benita. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Mailhos, M.E. Universidad de la República. Estación Experimental Mario A. Cassinoni (EEMAC). Departamento Producción Animal y Pasturas; UruguayFil: Boggiano, Pablo. Universidad de la República. Estación Experimental Mario A. Cassinoni (EEMAC). Departamento Producción Animal y Pasturas; Urugua

    Leaf Fragment Identification of Subtropical Native Grass Species

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    The present study was carried out to characterise leaf fragments of important plant species of a subtropical native sward in the southernmost state of Brazil. Thirteen important grass species were collected from April to May 1999. Both sides of the leaves were observed using a stereomicroscope. In addition, two approaches were tested to provide a clearer characterisation of the leaves of each species: the leaves were either dried or frozen. The kind and number of veins, the kind and number of hair, and the arrangements and number of stomates on both sides of each leaf are the most useful characteristics to differentiate fragments of native grass species’ leaves. These characteristics can be more easily observed when the plant material is dried

    Assessment of the current distribution of free-living parrots and parakeets (Aves: Psittaciformes) in Italy: A synthesis of published data and new records

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    Parrot species are often introduced outside of their native distribution range, as they are among the most popular pets worldwide. Releases, and particularly unplanned escapes, have resulted in the establishment of many naturalised populations in Europe, including Italy. Many parrot species present wide ecological tolerance and high synanthropy, but the knowledge of their distribution in the areas of introduction is limited. The introduction of these species may have a negative impact on local biodiversity, particularly in terms of competition with hole-nesting birds and bats, crop damage and epidemiology, so that it has become crucial to provide accurate and up-to-date research on the distribution of these taxa. This work aimed at reporting the occurrence points of the various Psittaciformes species in Italy. Records for 21 species (72.41% of those reported for all of Europe) were collected, with five of them breeding, always close to urban centres. © 2013 Copyright 2013 Unione Zoologica Italiana

    Three-Dimensional Reconstructions of Tadpole Chondrocrania from Histological Sections

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    Reconstructing three dimensional structures (3DR) from histological sections has always been difficult but is becoming more accessible with the assistance of digital imaging. We sought to assemble a low cost system using readily available hardware and software to generate 3DR for a study of tadpole chondrocrania. We found that a combination of RGB camera, stereomicroscope, and Apple Macintosh PowerPC computers running NIH Image, Object Image, Rotater. and SURFdriver software provided acceptable reconstructions. These are limited in quality primarily by the distortions arising from histological protocols rather than hardware or software

    Food after deprivation rewards the earlier eating

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    Food intake can be increased by learning to anticipate the omission of subsequent meals. We present here a new theory that such anticipatory eating depends on an associative process of instrumental reinforcement by the nutritional repletion that occurs when access to food is restored. Our evidence over the last decade from a smooth-brained omnivore has been that food after deprivation rewards intake even when those reinforced ingestive responses occur long before the physiological signals from renewed assimilation. Effects of food consumed after self-deprivation might therefore reward extra eating in human beings, through brain mechanisms that could operate outside awareness. That would have implications for efforts to reduce body weight. This food reward mechanism could be contributing to the failure of the dietary component of interventions on obesity within controlled trials of the management or prevention of disorders such as hypertension, atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes